Here at We Love American Bulldogs have a very important Mission when it comes to breeding our bloodlines. We know that great puppy providers are ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL in helping a dog receive the very best beginning possible and leads toward healthiness and happiness – these outlined early start socialization activities are perfect for establishing the initial foundation a canine companion needs and it all begins with what is oftentimes a thankless job as a breeder! So Davette developed over the past 23 years, something no other breeder has does with their breeding program. That is your puppies weekly updates, where you will feel like you are here with your puppy even tho you may be miles and even states away from where your puppy is born. Everyweek you will click on the picture to the right based on the age of your puppy and you will see what we here at We Love American Bulldogs are doing with your puppy. You will see your puppies weekly Milestones telling their physical and mental developments.
You will also see what the breeder is working on with your puppy weekly, you will see weekly pictures and videos of the puppies with the mommy and daddy dogs. Plus there will be impotant home work for you and your family to get ready for your puppies homecoming. They are all very important so don’t miss a week of checking in. Voted the number#1 American Bulldog Breeder in the US We take pride in our program Davette developed over the past 23 years We hope you see the importance of these updates and check back often. If we don’t cover any questions you may have, we want you to call Davette personally and she will be sure to help with any concerns or questions you may have. Until then we hope you enjoy our weekly updates as we do.
Sincerely your Team at We Love American Bulldogs.
Pictures of our bloodlines, on this website were taken and collected over the years by the breeder and owner of this website