Puppy Birthday
January 22, 2024
About Your Bulldog
We are growing huge average 14-18 pounds Female verse Male. Our neck is about 10-12 inches now. We are all potty trained to go outdoors sometimes we have a peepee accident now and again but this is GREAT for all being only 7 weeks old in 14 days they will be really good at our potty training. We are learning already commands that will be useful for you when you get them” out” and “potty , potty” This will be our last week of puppy pictures and video as we will be very business getting your puppy ready for their home coming.
Our eating skills are really coming along nicely, we have to be watched when we eat because as AB by nature we DONT chew our food this breed as you know just takes a mouth fill and swallows it whole and we can chock on our kibble so we still not get to eat unsupervised for the next couple weeks after that we will be good to go..
Because you want your puppy to have a strong foundation and not be under fed or aggressive with their food especially around kids and other dogs you will want to continue with our free feeding Lots of water when they are pups they drink a ton of it and a big bowl of their dog kibble if you plan to do RAW food call me I’ll walk you thru that transition but I will say wait until the are 5-6month for that. Setting 2 big bowls out of water and kibble out we will graze on it as we are a grazing breed not a over eating breed. This allows us to eat what we need when we need it during our growing spurts especially. tWe are eating about 4-5 times a day bigger in AM when we first wake and before we go to bed the other 2 times we mainly just graze. With bully breeds and their lips they get the water dirty so we change our water bowls 2 times aday. As we drink ALOT since we don’t have mommies milk anymore.
I had my weekly bubble bath so I can get use to water and I dont mind my baths at all, I am really good in the water. Davette needs my final payments arranged this week so give her a call she likes Venmo or Zelle. But call before sending tho. We Love American Bulldogs will send home with your puppy their Registered pedigree papers and in a folder along with the Microchip information for you to register your puppy with your contact info. And health record cords for you and your vet.
It is time to sign up for Baxter and Bella my in home training program show on week 5 Puppy Update this is important because it is the foundation of my up bringing and it starts with me in my home and with my new family, this course is all about getting my new home and family ready for me and it starts 2 weeks before I get home…..this is one of the most important things. My breeder has started me with it since I have been 3 weeks old and you need to keep me going, so I can be the best bulldog I can be. My turn out as an American Bulldog is all about what you do with me the first 9 months of my life. DON”T forget to use the WELOVE code it will save you 25%.
By now my flight is booked or your travel plans are made to come pick me up so all. You really need is these 2 final document s and to be sure your and my new family have completed the Puppy Orientation video.
We here are We Love American Bulldogs hopes you will also join the Bulldog Community “BULLDOG STRONGER” where you will find a community of bulldog owners and lovers and breeders, We will have a market place for ordering every thing you will want or need for a bulldog. Gear, apparel, toys and food and much more. You get insider tips from Davette and other knowledgable people like vet and trainers. This project was dreamed up by Davette and Stephen for years they want to make this happen and now finally in Jan 2024 it will launch.
Also we have Facebook and instagram you can follow in both We Love American Bulldogs and Bulldog Stronger.
The final 3 documents are downloadable or viewable by clicking on them
“Reading your Puppies body language” and “Puppy Milestones” as mentioned in the Puppy Orientation video for the first 36 months of your puppies life. And the” C.A.L.M.” document.



PFB the link to the file,